The work that I do with my clients is highly impactful and transformational and while some results feel instantaneous especially if you've been struggling for a while, understand that I am magical but not a magician. I cannot create results from thin-air. You have got to do the work to make it happen, too.
I know this sounds tricky. It's really simple, though. I work with clients who are unashamed to say they love and want money and what it allows for them to have or do. At the same time, I can't work with you if all you want is to make money. I have a mission to change my piece of the world and leave it better than I found it for my child and the next generations and if that's not your thing, then maybe I'm not for you, and that is okay.
At the heart of the work that I do is intense shadow work. That means I go deep with you as much as you will allow us to. If you are looking for a therapist or mental health professional, that's not me. If I feel like at any point in our work together, you will benefit better with the help of a licensed-professional, then I will advise you to do so. This is the only time that refunds are permitted in my world.